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Should We Have Alimony In Indiana?

Although alimony is not currently available as an option to couples getting divorced in Indiana, per se, there is a growing consensus that maybe it should. The current rules for property division in a divorce goes back to 1973 when the Indiana General Assembly decided that property division should take one of two forms. Either

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Marion County panel gives 17 judges retention nod

Marion County panel gives 17 judges retention nod

After roughly eight hours of interviews, dozens of documents and one unanimous vote, 17 Marion Superior judges have been recommended for retention by a recently created committee whose existence marks a new era for the Indianapolis judiciary. The Marion County Judicial Selection Committee interviewed the 17 Marion Superior Court judges seeking retention in 2018 on

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Marriage & Property Ownership: Who Owns What?

Marriage & Property Ownership: Who Owns What?

Fusce egestas dolor vitae velit interdum, eget dictum justo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse tempor semper molestie. Donec condimentum mi ac est gravida, at vestibulum quam accumsan. Cras non velit a orci egestas molestie. Curabitur posuere massa neque, eget rutrum arcu vulputate non. Etiam at

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Getting Your Spouse to Pay Child Support

Getting Your Spouse to Pay Child Support

Ut a neque tellus. Duis facilisis enim quis tortor pharetra dapibus. Phasellus nunc velit, feugiat sed lobortis in, accumsan facilisis turpis. Vivamus iaculis velit ut risus blandit condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer nec porta mi. Vivamus nec purus non massa pellentesque cursus at consectetur felis.

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Divorce: Do You Need a Lawyer?

Divorce: Do You Need a Lawyer?

Duis consequat arcu et lacus interdum lobortis at ac nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis ac eros magna. Curabitur venenatis, turpis vitae tristique dictum, dui nisl porta turpis, eleifend fermentum nunc est et lectus. Integer enim magna, fermentum sit amet commodo et, commodo sed dolor. Nunc